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PassbildDieterDIETER HERRMANN was chief duty editor, editor and correspondent/reporter i.a. for Deutsche Welle TV for almost two decades. During this time he reported from Angola, Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Gambia, Kenya, Congo (DRC and RC), Madagascar, Ruanda, Zimbabwe, Somalia, South Sudan and other African countries among others. He has also sent reports from both Gulf wars, Afghanistan, Australia, Greenland, northern Iraq, Haiti, Canada, the Philippines, Bangladesh and various other regions around the globe, and covered the war in Kosovo.
Live reports for radio and television for Deutsche Welle, Phoenix, Swiss Television and a host of radio stations have constituted part of his daily business for over two decades. Since 1990 he has also written and produced various television documentaries for German television and broadcasters such as Geo TV, Stern TV, DW TV, ARTE etc.
In 2010 and 2011 Dieter Herrmann wrote and produced seven TV documentaries on the work of GIZ, Germany’s Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation, one of the largest development aid organisations in the word. Each film was subtitled in four languages. In 2003 Dieter lectured at Duke University (Durham/North Carolina) on “Reporting from hostile areas”. In addition, prior to establishing, he was also an educator and trainer at the “Academy for Information and Communication” run by the German defence forces. He is also an educator and media trainer for the Deutsche Welle Academy in countries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Nepal, Syria, etc. Dieter heads up the “” office and studio.

PassfotoMarionMARION ALTHAUS has an eye for detail, thanks to her original training as an optician. A very useful skill when working behind a television camera. She has been working in television since the 2006 elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, Marion has been a co-contributor to reports on Greenland, Canada, Turkey and numerous times from Afghanistan.