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Sculptures by the sea
Sculptures by the sea
Norah Head NSW
Norah Head NSW
Wildlife Aid
Wildlife Aid
Rocks Boudi National Park NSW
Rocks Boudi National Park NSW
Harbour Bridge, Sydney
Harbour Bridge, Sydney
12 Apostels, Great Ocean Road
12 Apostels, Great Ocean Road


DSC_2538.jpg reports from Sydney for German language media. News is our business. Fast, reliable, objective. Operated by journalists with German as their mother tongue, events in Australia and New Zealand can be observed and reported specifically from a “German point of view”. As TV and radio journalists, supplemented with years of experience in the print media, we are well positioned to cater for all interested parties from the German-speaking world. Irrespective of its origin – the city or the bush – provides all relevant information in German. Decades of experience guaranteed: We work quickly, reliably and objectively. For TV, radio or the print media.

AUSTRALIA? There’s nothing going on…

DSC_0244We have set our sights on raising public awareness about Australia in Germany. After many years in the wilderness, so to speak, this island continent is gaining in significance not only for Germans, but also German business interests. Furthermore, Australia has increased in stature as a global player on the world stage. Not only on the UN Security Council, but also in numerous other international bodies, Australia’s voice carries considerable weight.

Experts on Location

Knowledge, flexibility and experience – three indispensable qualities for outstanding journalism. Combined with the right contacts, this is precisely what we offer. Our “core business” is TV and media training, but our capabilities also encompass radio and print.